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Restore the Earth, Restore Your Data: How Document Digitization Can Help Your Business Go Green

Written by Ripcord Team | Apr 22, 2024 10:39:00 PM

Earth Day, established more than 50 years ago by the late Sen. Gaylord Nelson, has grown into a global movement, with over a billion people participating each year. What started in 1970 as a push for environmental awareness now fuels initiatives aimed at protecting our planet's natural resources. On April 22, individuals and businesses alike join forces to advocate for sustainability through activities like clean-ups, rallies, and environmental education.

While reducing, reusing, and recycling are essential in the fight against climate change, businesses have another powerful tool at their disposal: going paperless. Document digitization offers an opportunity to significantly cut down on waste and energy consumption, while also streamlining operations. Let’s explore how embracing paperless practices can not only help reduce your carbon footprint but also boost efficiency and save costs.

1. Reducing Paper Waste

Did you know that the paper and pulp industry is one of the largest industrial polluters? This sector emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide, all of which are harmful to the environment and contribute to climate change. The United States leads the world in paper consumption, with each person using more than 400 pounds of paper annually. By transitioning to a paperless office, businesses can make a significant impact on reducing their paper waste.

Digitizing old files and creating new documents electronically drastically reduces an organization's reliance on paper. Not only does this help shrink your emissions footprint, but it also prevents future waste. Companies that embrace digital transformation are recycling paper by converting it into valuable, searchable digital data, thus helping minimize their environmental impact.

2. Lowering Fossil Fuel Emissions

Maintaining physical documents comes with hidden environmental costs — namely, the transportation of files between locations and the storage of these documents. Whether it’s moving files by truck, plane, or train, the fossil fuels burned during transportation contribute to air pollution and climate change.

When businesses partner with Ripcord to digitize and manage their documents, they eliminate the need for such physical transfers. By transitioning to digital formats, your company will never again have to worry about the energy-intensive processes of moving, sorting, or storing paper files. The result? Fewer fossil fuel emissions and a smaller environmental footprint.

3. Conserving Energy and Reducing Costs

Warehouses that store physical documents not only consume gasoline but also require continuous use of electricity and natural gas for climate control and lighting. On average, energy accounts for 15% of a warehouse’s operating budget, with facilities consuming approximately 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. To put this in perspective, the typical U.S. household uses around 10,649 kilowatt hours annually.

By digitizing your documents, your business can reduce or even eliminate the need for these storage spaces, significantly cutting energy consumption and costs. The savings on electricity, heating, and maintenance will add up, while your carbon footprint shrinks in the process.

4. Boosting Efficiency While Going Green

Aside from the clear environmental benefits, document digitization improves operational efficiency. Paper-based processes are not only slow but also prone to human error. Digitizing your files allows you to streamline workflows, enhance data security, and improve accessibility—all while doing your part to help the planet.

Take Action

On Earth Day and beyond, you can make a positive impact by reducing your company’s carbon footprint. Going paperless with document digitization is a powerful way to support sustainability while also improving your bottom line. Ripcord is here to help you make the transition to a greener, more efficient business.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about how our cutting-edge document management solutions can help your company go green and save money.