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The Future of Work: How HR Is Going Digital

Did you know that valuable data is lurking in all of the paper documents your organization has locked away? For Human Resources (HR) professionals, the numbers are astounding. 

90 million

More than 90 million people in the US have a job that could be performed at least partially from a remote location. 

30 — 40%

As much as 30-40 percent of workers will continue to work remotely full-time after the pandemic ends. According to Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, "Our best estimate is that 25-30 percent of the workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021."

Social Distancing

Some degree of social distancing is likely to remain part of everyday life for the next few years, and this means that the recruitment of new hires, as well as the interview and hiring processes, will likely remain in flux.

Medical Paperwork

Employers allow their employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year which requires large amounts of paperwork. With distributed workers, getting documents properly completed and returned is now not as easy as simply asking for them in person. Barry Deutsch, co-author of “You’re Not The Person I Hired,” recently told Forbes that "The minute you turn hiring into a process, train all your managers, and put some rigor behind it, then hiring accuracy starts becoming more reliable.” 

A Distributed Workforce

Interviews, onboarding processes, quarterly and annual reviews, and exit discussions - these are just a few of the things HR departments previously did in person and now must manage from afar.

Back to You

Paper documentation is:

  • Cumbersome
  • Costly to produce, maintain, and transport
  • Vulnerable to loss, fire, theft, and other calamities

Employees are going remote at a faster pace than ever before, meaning that, sooner than later, organizations that fail to digitize their records and other data will fall far behind their competitors. Dive into our eBook, The Future of Work: How HR is going digital, to explore the dynamic realm of digital transformation in human resources, unveiling strategic approaches for efficient employee record management. Unleash the full power of your data with intelligent business and robotic process automation, and revolutionize the way your HR department operates. 


Start making the most of your data today.