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Reduce Paper and Accelerate Your Firm’s Green Initiative

Paper Is Everywhere Increasingly, businesses are “going green” and trying to reduce paper consumption as they strive to demonstrate their commitment to the environment, finances, and social impact. While environment-conscious technology has accelerated in other fields, records management practices have remained stuck in the past.


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Managing Document Signatures in a Digital Age

If John Hancock were signing the Declaration of Independence today, there’s a good chance he wouldn’t use pen and ink. While the Hancock method — physically marking a document to show assent — has been around for hundreds of years, technology has changed the way we sign documents, improving both data security and efficiency.


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Investing in More Than Just Robots

Today we announced our Series B funding round of $40M led by Icon Ventures with participation from Kleiner Perkins, Lux Capital, and Silicon Valley Bank. Since Ripcord launched in March, some of the world’s largest companies have been requesting our services for digitizing their records. Now we have the funds to meet their demand by expanding our fleet of robots, further developing our ‘Ripcord Canopy’ software, and growing our team by over 100 new employees in 2017. We are also pleased to welcome Icon Ventures General Partner Jeb Miller to the Ripcord Board of Directors. The next year will be exciting and challenging and we have no doubt that Jeb’s expertise will be a major asset in navigating our endeavors.


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The Environmental Benefit of Shredding Documents

The arrival of a “paperless future” has been predicted for decades, yet the average American still uses more than 700 pounds of paper every year. Even as the information technology revolution has transformed the way companies operate, most office workers still print 10,000 pages annually, which amasses to a total of 12 trillion pages each and every year.


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Our Founding Story

About two years ago a friend called to ask for some advice. His company, soon to go public, was going through their pre-IPO audit with a Big Four accounting firm. The firm was asking his company to produce financial records to assure that the company’s books were accurate.


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