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Secure Success: Software & Document Access

This is the third and final in our series of blogs that examines the extra layers of security Ripcord provides each document handled at the facility.


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GDPR & CCPA: The Future of Data Privacy in the U.S.

As of January 2020, businesses that process data on California residents will have to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The state is following in the footsteps of the European Union (EU), which established the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018.


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Leadership Insights: Kevin Hall

Ripcord CTO and co-founder Kevin Hall got his start in robotics while studying mechanical engineering at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He says he chose that particular program because it had a mechatronics concentration that offered education in electrical, mechanical, and software fields, which are each critical in robotics.


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Secure Success: Maintaining Security Compliance Standards

Welcome to the second in our series of blogs that examines the extra layers of security Ripcord provides each document handled at the facility.


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Leadership Insights: Ahson Ahmad

Ahson Ahmad, Ripcord’s CPO & EVP, began the path towards his career in product management as a self-professed “tech geek” who learned coding at a young age. Ahmad grew up in Toronto, Canada, and studied Computer Sciences at the University of Toronto – from there he says he went down the technical route as a programmer and architect, and it landed him in the content management space he’s now been in for 20 years.


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Secure Success: Physical Security for Documents & Data

Welcome to the first in our series of blogs that examines the extra layers of security Ripcord provides each document handled at the facility.


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Evolution of Robotic Technology (Webinar Recap)

On February 14 Ripcord co-founder and CTO Kevin Hall dove deep into the Evolution of Robotic Technology in a webinar with Baidu Ventures director Saman Farid. The two robotics experts were joined by Ripcord VP of Product Management, Jason Likins, who served as moderator.


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Digital Transformation: The Role of Robotics & AI (Webinar Recap)

Ripcord co-founder and CTO Kevin Hall hosted a particularly intriguing conversation for his webinar on Digital Transformation: The Role of Robotics & AI on January 17. Kasey Jones, BetterGrowth CEO, served as moderator.


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Leadership Insights: Jason Likins

Ripcord’s new Vice President of Product Management, Jason Likins, brings over 20 years of content experience to the role, and his excitement is evident in the way he speaks of his new employer.


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Ripcord Canopy 2.0–What’s New

We’ve been hard at work making it easy to search, share and manage your enterprise records from a single, management system — Ripcord Canopy.


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